Artificial Radioactivity Produced by Protons

The artificial radioactivity produced in targets of Cu, Ni, Ag, Cr and Mo by bombardment with four-Mev protons has been studied. In Cu, the (p,n) reaction gives rise to the radioelements Zn63 (half-life 38.5 min., upper limit of positron spectrum 1.8 Mev) and Zn65. Two new radioactive isotopes of Cu are found in Ni bombarded with protons; they have tentatively been assigned as follows: Cu58, half-life 81 sec., and Cu60, half-life 7.9 minutes. Both emit positrons. Also produced in Ni are Cu61, both by the (p,n) and the (p,γ) reaction (threshold Cu64, by the (p,n) reaction (threshold apparently 2.1 Mev). Proton bombardment of Ag results in a radioactive Cd isotope which emits very soft negative electrons which are believed to be conversion electrons of a nuclear gammaray. The identification of the responsible Cd isotope and the mode of decay is discussed. The half-life of this radio-element is 6.7 hours; the threshold for the reaction is 2.4 Mev. 40-minute Mn51 is formed by proton bombardment of Cr. This radioelement emits positrons. Three unassigned activities produced in Mo have half-lives of 45 min., 2.7 hours, and 36.5 hours; the last emits negative electrons.