Effect of Vitamin B Complex on Inactivation of Estrone in Vivo and in Vitro

In [female] rats vit. B deficiency had no influence on the inactivation of estrone in vivo. The B-deficient rats were inj. with 1,000-2,000 I.U. of estrone, were killed 2-5 hrs. later and the minced carcasses were analyzed by the Allen-Doisy method. The inactivation was 50-70% after 2 hrs., and 75-100% after 4-5 hrs. In contrast to normal liver, the liver pulp of avitaminotic rats failed to inactivate estrone. B -deficient rats as well as normal rats can thus inactivate estrone in vivo, whereas the liver of normal rats inactivates estrone in vitro in a high % of cases and that of B-deficient rats does not.