Bound states of charmed baryons and antibaryons

Within the framework of nonrelativistic potential models, we investigate the possibility that bound states of the type B¯cBc may exist, where Bc is a charmed member of the 20 baryon multiplet of SU(4). By rather general considerations, we establish the approximate level order of the bound-state spectrum. Specific potential models are then invoked to qualitatively estimate the binding energies and rms radii of B¯cBc bound states. For reasonably small binding energies (<~12 GeV), for which a potential description is sensible, such configurations are found to be "quasimolecular" in nature, i.e., having rms radii considerably larger (≥0.7 fm) than the corresponding c¯ c quark-model states. We show that most of the low-lying states are isospin I=0 as in the c¯ c model. However, because of the coherent effect of tensor forces, certain I=1 configurations of the C¯1C1 system experience a downward energy shift, and hence could appear in the same energy region as I=0 states (e.g., LJ2I + 1,2S + 1=P033 state near P0,1,213 states). The states we describe can mix with and modify the properties of c¯ c quark states of the same quantum numbers in the Jψ,χ,ψ region from 3.1 to 3.7 GeV. Some of them could appear independently as narrow states in the mass region of 4 GeV. "Exotic" C¯1 C1 states with I=2 are shown to always lie above I=0,1 configurations of the same L; however, for a wide class of potential models, the P- wave C¯1 C1 states (P0,1,253,P151) are still bound close to threshold (∼4.8 GeV). We exhibit qualitative arguments that some of these B¯c Bc bound states may be narrow. We discuss possible experimental means for finding the I=1 and 2 states, i.e., those not predicted by the cc¯ quark model. DOI: © 1977 The American Physical Society