Flight response ofHeliothis subflexa (Gn.) females (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) to an attractant from groundcherry,Physalis angulata L.

Mated femaleHeliothis subflexa (Gn.) (HS) moths 1–7 days old responded positively in a Plexiglas flight tunnel to an attractant extracted with methanol from fresh whole-leaf washes of groundcherry,Physalis angulata L. Response to the groundcherry extract, as indicated by plume-tracking (i.e., upwind flight toward the odor source) and contact with the chemical dispenser did not change significantly during the first 5 hr of scotophase. Overall, ca. 50% of the responding moths also landed on the chemical dispenser; ca. 50% of the moths that landed also deposited eggs. There were no significant differences in the behavioral responses of females mating only once and those that had mated two or more times. Virgin females and male moths were significantly less responsive to the groundcherry attractant than mated females. The flight tunnel bioassay described provides an excellent system for evaluating plant allelochemics associated with host-plant selection.