Ladefoged. K. & Ølgaard, K. Fluid and electrolyte absorption and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone axis in patients with severe short-bowel syndrome. Scand. J. Gastroent. 1979, 14, 729–735. In eight patients who had received long-term parenteral nutrition because of short-bowel syndrome the need for parenteral supply of fluid, sodium, and potassium was estimated by balance studies. Six patients had jejunostomies. In two, most of the colon was preserved. Jejunostomy patients had a huge stool mass (1710–5270 g, median 2530 g/ day) with fixed concentrations of sodium (92 ± 10mmol/1) and potassium (15 ± 4 mmol/1). In contrast, two patients with massive small-bowel resection but with more than half of the colon intact showed almost normal sodium absorption and considerably smaller stool mass (170–510 g/day). Despite apparently good health and normal plasma electrolytes, urea, and haematocrit, four of six jejunostomy patients were sodium-depleted with low plasma volume, low sodium excretion in the urine, and increased plasma renin activity and, in the three most severe cases, increased aldosterone. Even in case of sodium depletion the sodium loss from jejunostomy effluents remained high and presumably unaffected by salt-retaining hormones. The study confirms the importance of preservation of part of the colon for maintenance of fluid and electrolyte balance in patients with extensive bowel resection. Jejunostomy patients who are eating normally may need large parenteral saline supply. Assessment of water and electrolyte homeostasis in these patients requires determination of the urinary sodium excretion and is supported by measurements of plasma renin activity and plasma aldosterone concentration.