A detailed comparison has been made between predictions of elementary one-pion exchange (OPE) and existing experimental data. The Benecke-Dürr (BD) parametrization was used to describe the vertex functions. The BD parametrization has one free parameter R for each vertex. The momentum transfer (t) distributions as measured between 1.6 and 10 GeVc for the reactions p¯pΔ¯Δ++[ΔΔ(1236)], ppΔ++n, π+pΔ++ρ0, and πpnρ0 were used to fit the parameters RΔNπ, RNNπ, and Rρππ which describe the NNπ, ΔNπ, and ρππ vertices. With the three-parameter fit an excellent description of the data is achieved for |t|<1 GeV2 at all energies, a result which independently of any model demonstrates that the energy dependence of these reactions is that of elementary OPE. From the R parameters, values for various pionic rms radii were deduced: rNNπ212=1.06±0.04 F, rΔNπ212=0.86±0.02 F, and rρππ212=0.65±0.05 F. The NNπ and ΔNπ values agree with results from πN and ep scattering. As a further consistency check, the BD parametrization was used to describe the (32,32) pion nucleon phase shift δ33 in the neighborhood of the Δ. A good fit to the