Spin, Hyperfine Structure, and Nuclear Magnetic Dipole Moment of 7.7-MinK38

The spin and hyperfine structure of 7.7-min K38 have been determined by the atomic-beam magnetic-resonance method. In this experiment about 100 mg of K39 was placed in an oven in the resonance apparatus and was bombarded with an 0.3 μA beam of 18-MeV protons. K38 was produced by the reaction K39 (p,d or pn)K38, and the resulting specific activity was high enough so that an adequate atomic beam could be maintained for 2 to 3 h before the oven was empty. Both ΔF=0 and ΔF=1 resonances were observed, and final values are I=3, Δν=1415.292±0.009 Mc/sec. Comparison with other potassium isotopes yields μI=+1.3735±0.0010 nm (diamagnetically corrected). The value for the magnetic dipole moment is in good agreement with the prediction based on the coupling of a d32 neutron hole and a d32 proton hole to the above spin value.