Hyperfine Structure and Nuclear Moments of 20.4-MinC11

We have measured the hyperfine structure in the P23 and P13 states of the ground state configuration of C11 by the atomic-beam magnetic-resonance technique. The values obtained after corrections for perturbations by nearby fine-structure states are P23: Ah=()68.203±0.007 Mc/sec, Bh=()4.949±0.028 Mc/sec; P13: Ah=()1.242±0.010 Mc/sec or ()1.200±0.010 Mc/sec depending upon the choice of zero-field level ordering, where B(J=1)=B(J=2)2. From these data it is possible to calculate the nuclear moments of the mirror nucleus, C11, using a theoretical value of 1r3 for the p electrons. The results are μI=()1.027±0.010 nm, Quncorrected=(+)(0.0308±0.0006)×1024 cm2. No signs were measured in these experiments; the indicated signs assume μI<0 in C11. A value of 1.5011±0.0006 for gJ was also obtained in the P23 state.