• 1 January 1983
    • journal article
    • research article
    • Vol. 35 (5), 994-1004
Shared histocompatibility antigens between spouses may affect reproductive outcome adversely as a result of prenatal selection against compatible fetuses. Evidence from both animal and human studies suggest that histocompatible fetuses may not initiate a maternal immunologic response that prevents rejection of the embryo. Parents sharing HLA antigens may produce compatible fetuses and consequently experience a greater frequency of early fetal losses and show poorer reproductive outcome than couples not sharing antigens. In the Hutterites, an inbred human isolate that proscribes contraception, the hypothesis that couples sharing HLA antigens have poorer reproductive outcomes than couples who do not was tested. The Hutterites are characterized by high fertility and large family sizes. Couples that share 0 (no. = 21), 1 (no. = 15) and > 1 (no. = 10) HLA-A or HLA-B antigens were compared for reproductive performance. Median intervals between births were larger among couples that share more than one antigen in 8 of 11 intervals examined. The median intervals from marriage to 1st, 5th and 10th birth were consistently larger among couples that share > 1 antigen. Differences among the groups appear to become larger with increasing parity, suggesting that the effect of histocompatibility on reproductive performance becomes more evident in later pregnancies. These differences in reproductive performance between couples that share 0, 1 or > 1 HLA-A or HLA-B antigens may have significant evolutionary consequences. Sharing HLA antigens does not preclude normal pregnancy and caution should be exercised before concluding that shared HLA antigens are solely responsible for repeated fetal losses.