Ontogenesis of the Insulin Receptor in the Rabbit Brain

We delineated the ontogeny of the brain insulin binding, insulin receptor number and affinity using plasma membranes isolated from the rabbit. Specific 125I-insulin binding and receptor number expressed per milligram of protein increased from the 20 day gestation fetus to the 1-day-old newborn, declining thereafter to attain adult values by day 6 of postnatal life. Specific 125I-insulin binding and the receptor number in the adult brain was less than the fetal and neonatal (1 day) brain receptors. Although a similar trend was observed specifically during fetal development, the changes in receptor number expressed per microgram DNA were not significant in the neonatal period. The adult brain insulin receptor number was higher than the 20- to 27-day fetus and similar to that of the 30-day fetus and the 1- to 5-day newborns. The total receptor number correlated linearly with the brain plasma membrane protein increment velocity. The affinity of the receptors increased during early fetal development (20–27 days) and remained constant thereafter in the postnatal period. We conclude that the ontogenic changes of the brain insulin receptors are similar to the ontogenic changes of brain plasma membrane protein. The developmental changes are more pronounced when the receptor number is expressed per milligram protein versus microgram DNA.