Proton Motions in Complex Hydrogenous Liquids. I. A Cross Section for Quasi-Elastic Scattering of Slow Neutrons

The present work deals with the derivation of a neutron-scattering cross section for quasi-elastic scattering from a complex hydrogenous liquid. The internal motions of the proton within the molecule and possibly the motions of the protons between molecules have to be taken into account in a full description of the dynamical picture, and consequently also have to be included in the interpretation of scattered neutron spectra. The motion of the scattering protons is described as a superposition of the motion of the proton with respect of the center of gravity of the molecule on the motion of the center of gravity itself. A rapid jump motion of the proton during the time τ1 is considered; the origin of the jump might be an isomeric rotation or a change of proton position due to jumps in a hydrogen bond. In between the jumps, the proton is supposed to vibrate for a time τ0. The motion of the center of gravity of the molecule is supposed to be either a diffusive motion for a time τ1, if the molecule is free to move, or a vibration for a time τ0, if the molecule is bound, for instance via hydrogen bonds to neighbors.