Ab initiostudies of silane decomposition on Si(100)

The mechanism of silane decomposition on the Si(100)-(2×1) surface is investigated in the context of a many-electron theory that permits the accurate computation of molecule-solid surface interactions at an ab initio configuration-interaction level. The adsorbate and local surface region are treated as embedded in the remainder of the lattice electronic distribution, which is modeled as a three-layer, 19-Si–plus–21-H cluster. A possible energetic pathway is found for the reaction SiH4SiH3+H on the surface. It involves two separate steps: (1) scission of one Si-H bond; (2) formation of two bonds to SiH3 and H from two surface dangling bonds. The energy barrier, which is calculated to be 9 kcal/mol, occurs in the first step at a distance of 3.6 Å from the Si in SiH4 to a Si surface atom with a Si-H bond aligned with a surface dangling-bond direction. The overall dissociation process SiH4SiH3+H on the surface is found to be 2.8 eV exothermic. Quantum tunneling is found to play an important role in the process at room temperature. A symmetrical Eckart potential is used to estimate the quantum tunneling effect and the reaction probability is calculated to be small (on the order of 105) and relatively insensitive to the silane temperature.