A resonance calculation computer program has been applied to a quantitative investigation of the effects of strong l‐type resonances on the envelopes of degenerate (E) infrared bands of symmetric tops. The immediate object of these calculations has been to establish whether l‐type resonance is likely to be a serious source of error in the P–R separation method of determining η constants. Attention has been directed mainly to bands where (C − Cη − B) is close to zero so that the mutually perturbing levels are nearly degenerate. The effect of assuming l‐type doubling constants, q , much larger than those observed has been examined. All of our calculations suggest that uncertainties in the P–R separation method arising from this source are small and comparable to those deriving from other known sources, such as the neglect of α constants in the method. An explanation for these results in terms of line by line shifts is advanced.