Spin waves in the nearly one-dimensional systems of CsNiCl3and RbNiCl3

The magnetic excitations of CsNiCl3 and RbNiCl3 in their ordered state have been studied by optical absorption in the near infrared at T=1.7 K. Magnon sidebands associated with the A2g3T2g3 excitons have been observed. The Hamiltonian of the spin system consists of intrachain (J1) and interchain (J3) interactions, both of the Heisenberg type with J1J340 for CsNiCl3 and ∼20 for RbNiCl3, and a crystal-field single-ion anisotropy. The calculated equilibrium spin orientations agree with the "triangular configuration" observed by Yelon and Cox. Spin-wave theory is applied to calculate the magnon dispersion curves and density of magnon states. The large disparity between the intrachain and the interchain interactions results in the appearance of two sets of peaks in the calculated density of states. The high-energy set corresponds to magnons propagating along the chain, while the low-energy set corresponds to magnons propagating in the basal plane. This is in agreement with the observed single-magnon sidebands.