Comparison of Myopotential Interference in Unipolar‐Bipolar Programmable DDD Pacemakers

Myopotontial interference (MPI) can inhibit or trigger single and dual chamber unipolar pacemakers while bipolar pacemakers are resistant. Twenty units of two different models of dual chamber pacemaker, each capable of being programmed to single chamber or dual chamber and unipolar or bipolar function were tested to provoke myopotential interference. No patient had evidence of myopotential interference at any sensitivity setting in the bipolar configuration either in atrium or in ventricle. All patients (20/20) interfered with pacemaker function at the highest atrial or ventricular sensitivity settings in the unipolar configuration. T wave sensing occurred at the 0.25 mV sensitivity setting in four patients in pacemaker model 925, in both bipolar and unipolar configurations. Tiventy‐five percent of patients had myopotential interference at the unipolar atrial sensing threshold and did not allow a setting which would reject myopotential interfercnce while providing satisfactory atrial sensing. Twenty percent (2/10) had myopotential caused ventricular inhibition at the least sensitive ventricular channel setting in model 240G so that myopotential interference could not be avoided in that unit no matter how large the electrogram.