Spontaneous autoimmune reactions against pancreatic islets in mouse strains with generalized autoimmune disease

The spontaneously autoimmune mouse strains NZB, NZB x NZW, MRL and BXSB have been examined for signs of autoimmune reactions against islet cells. Between 15 and 55 animals of each strain were tested. Infiltrates of lymphocytes and fibroblasts into pancreatic islets were found in more than 80% of NZB mice, in about 50% of MRL and NZB x NZW mice, and in less than 20% of BXSB mice. Infiltrates were not found in the exocrine portion of pancrea. All NZB mice had abnormal glucose tolerance. In the three other strains between 20 and 50% of animals had abnormal glucose tolerance. All mice had fasting normoglycaemia. The lesions in NZB mice were studied in more detail. It was found by ultrastructural analysis that in young mice pancreatic infiltrates consisted of lymphocytes and fibroblasts. Single lymphocytes were also seen outside the main infiltration area. After 2 to 5 months of age another type of infiltrate, consisting of lymphocytes and macrophages was observed. B-cell destruction by lymphocytes was apparent in both young and adult NZB mice. It is concluded that cellular autoimmune reactions against pancreatic islets may occur spontaneously as a consequence of immunological disorders in NZB, NZB x NZW and MRL mice.