We present a calculation of the wave vector and frequency dependence of the longitudinal dielectric function of a disordered material which is collection of noninteracting parallel chains. We used a one-dimensional tight-binding model with nearest-neighbor interaction only, and randomness in the diagonal elements of the Hamiltonian. The model does not contain electron-phonon interactions, and is therefore valid only at zero temperature. The dielectric function is calculated from integral equations after a method developed by Halperin. The graphs of ε2 vs frequency resemble those for ε2 (crystalline), but broadened by WL, where W is the crystal bandwidth and L is the decay length of the wave functions in the random system. The graphs of ε1 show a similar broadening. We find ε1(ω=0)1+0.993κ2[q2+1.56(Lb)2]1 (κ is the Fermi-Thomas screening factor, b is the lattice constant) for qb0.2π. The peak in the conductivity at zero wave vector occurs at a frequency which is inversely proportional to L. The disorder also removes the singularity in ε1 at q=2kF, ω=0; the condition for a Peierls distortion in the presence of disorder is discussed. These results are interpreted in terms of the localized states in one-dimensional disordered systems.