Gamma Rays from the Deuteron Bombardment of Carbon-13

A magnetic lens spectrometer was used to investigate the gamma radiation produced by the deuteron bombardment of C13 enriched carbon targets. A study of the Compton electron spectra from a thin Al converter at Ed=1.42 Mev revealed the following gamma lines (energies in kev, not corrected for possible Doppler shift): 4930±40, 5130±30, 5730±30, 6120±25. A weak line at 3910±50 kev was established with the spectrum from a thick Al converter. At Ed=1.9 Mev, additional lines appeared at 6450±50, 6730±40, and 811±3 kev. The last-named was identified by photoelectrons from a thorium converter. No new lines were discovered at Ed=2.7 Mev. The well-known 6.12-Mev line is from C14*, as are probably the 6.73- and 0.811-Mev lines. All others correspond to known levels of N14.