Ash percentage and mineral content of maize (Zea mays L.) pollen and style

Pollen and style from three single cross hybrids (Wf9xH55, Ky49xKy27, K64xK55) and two inbred lines (0h43, H55) were ashed and the content of various mineral elements was determined. The ash percentage of the pollen was 2.93, 2.94, 2.83, 3–70, and 3–77 for Wf9xH55, Ky49xKy27, K64xK55, 0h43, and H55 respectively. Significant differences were found between the hybrid and inbred groups but not within groups. The ash percentage of the style was 4.85, 4.60, 4.52, 5–59, and 5.23 for Wf9xH55, Ky49xKy27, K64xK55, 0h43, and H55 repcctivcly. Significant differences were present both between and within the hybrid and inbred groups. Averaged over all genotypes the content of Al, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, and Zn was 0.46, 9.20, 0.20, 0.48, 105.09, 11.58, 0.24, 5.93, 69.57, and 1.90 micrograms/gram dry weight of pollen respectively. The content of Al, Ca, Fe, and K was altered by genotype. Averaged over all genotypes, the content of Al, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, and Zn was 0.25, 19.33, 0.32, 0.64, 308.80, 23.03, 0.21, 10.78, 52.20, and 1.10 micrograms/gram dry weight of style respectively. The content of Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, and Mn was altered by genotype. Based on dry weight, highly significant differences between the pollen and style were obtained for all elements. Also, significant tissue x genotype interactions were found for Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, and P. Averaged over all genotypes, the content of Al, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, and Zn was 13.83, 288.39, 6.43, 15.06, 3287.58, 370.27, 7.48, 185.55, 2176.65, and 58.95 micrograms/gram ash weight of pollen respectively. The content of Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, and Mn was altered by genotype. Averaged over all genotypes, the content of Al, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, and Zn was 4.76, 390.28, 6.54, 12.84, 6235.78, 466.59, 4.22, 220.41, 1059.23, and 22.12 micrograms/gram, ash weight of style respectively. The content of Al, Ca, Fe, Mg, Mn, and P was altered by genotype. Based on ash weight, highly significant differences between the pollen and style were found for Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, P, and Zn. Also, significant tissue x genotype interactions were found for Ca, Fe, K, Mg, and Mn. The results indicated that the ash percentage and the content of a number of mineral elements in the pollen and style were influenced by the source genotype.