Spin-glass behavior in an antiferromagnetic frustrated spinel: ZnCr1.6Ga0.4O4

A study of magnetic properties in the insulating spinel ZnCr1.6 Ga0.4 O4 (chromium ions in octahedral sites) has been made by carrying out low-field dc- and ac-susceptibility measurements as well as neutron diffraction, Mössbauer, and EPR experiments, which all give evidence of spin-glass-like behavior. The topological frustration, connected with the high ground-state degeneracy of the antiferromagnetic spinel octahedral sublattice, is the origin of the spin-glass ordering. Strong nearest-neighbor antiferromagnetic interactions are dominant in the system, leading to short-range magnetic order which appears at temperatures much higher than the freezing temperature defined by the acsusceptibility cusp [T(ν=17 Hz)=2.50 K is frequency dependent]. The thermoremanent magnetization does not vanish at Tf, suggesting the existence of uncompensated clusters blocked above Tf. A paramagnetic behavior is observed below T=1 K, providing evidence for the presence of unfrozen spins below Tf (entropic clusters).