Piezo-optical response of Ge in the visible–uv range

Using rotating-analyzer ellipsometry we have measured the three complex components P11(ω), P12(ω), and P44(ω) of the linear piezo-optical tensor Pijkl(ω) of Ge in the 1.6–5.6 eV photon energy range. This was accomplished by applying static uniaxial stress to Ge crystals along the [111] and [001] crystallographic directions, and monitoring the stress-induced changes in the dielectric function ε(ω) at room temperature. The real and imaginary parts of each component were directly obtained. They show, in general, good Kramers-Kronig consistency. A comparison with pseudopotential calculations of P11(ω), P12(ω), and P44(ω) for strained Ge is also given. In addition, deformation-potential constants (D11,D15,D33,D35) and spin-exchange parameters (δJ1,δJ2) were determined for the E1-E1+Δ1 transitions; they show good agreement with prior work.