Electric Monopole Transitions inGe70andZr90

The electric monopole crossover transition from the 1.215 Mev 0+ second excited state to the ground state of Ge70 has been observed with an intermediate-image beta-ray spectrometer arranged for electron-electron coincidence measurements. Internal conversion electrons in delayed coincidence with Ga70 beta rays correspond to a 1.215-Mev transition intensity of 0.0025% per disintegration. Total beta-ray branching to the 1.215-Mev state is 0.18%, mostly followed by a (0.173±0.002)-(1.042±0.005) Mev gamma-ray cascade through the first excited state. Beta-ray branching to the 1.042-Mev level in Ge70 is 0.30%. Beta-conversion-electron delayed coincidence measurements taken at the peak of the 0.173-Mev K-line give a half-life value of (3.0±0.5)×109 sec for the 1.215-Mev state. It follows that the partial half-life for K-conversion of the 0-0 transition is (2.4±1.2)×107 sec which compares with 1.6×107 sec expected if the matrix element were the same as for the 0-0 transition in Ge72. Using similar techniques on Y90 the half-life of the 1.75 Mev 0-0 transition in Zr90 has been found to be (6±1.5)×108 sec.

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