Shubnikov-de Haas measurements have been performed on single-crystal n-type Hg1xCdxTe (x=0.204) alloys with carrier concentration from 2 × 1015 to 1 × 1016 cm3. Comparison of the electron effective mass as a function of Fermi energy with k·p theory yields the following band parameters: band-edge mass m0*=5.60±0.25×103m0, interband matrix element Ep=17±1.4 eV, and direct energy gap (at k=0) Eg=0.0635±0.008 eV. We also observed spin splitting of the N=1,2,and 3 Landau levels, from which the electron g factor was determined as a function of energy between 8 and 23 meV from the conduction band edge, with g=164±16 at the band edge.

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