Dual-Resonance-Model Implications for Two-Particle Spectra in Inclusive Reactions

We extend recent work on inclusive reactions in the dual-resonance model by using Mueller's technique on the eight-point Veneziano amplitude. The inclusive two-particle spectrum is derived in various kinematic regions, and consistency checks are carried out. We show factorization in the multi-Regge region of f2(p1,p2) into f1(6)(p1)f1(6)(p2), where f1(6)(p) is the single-particle spectrum derived from the six-point function. The same universal cutoff in transverse momentum derived for the single-particle spectrum appears again here. In the central region we obtain an explicit form for f2(p1,p2) and show asymptotic consistency with the multi-Regge region. Some properties of the azimuthal dependence of p1·p2 in the central region are derived.