Elastic Moduli of GaAs at Moderate Pressures and the Evaluation of Compression to 250 kbar

Ultrasonic wave velocities in GaAs have been measured at 25°C as a function of hydrostatic pressure. The adiabatic ``zero‐electric‐field'' stiffness moduli calculated from these velocities are as follows: c11=1.1877± 0.0006, c12=0.5372±0.0009, c44=0.5944±0.0003. All moduli are in units of 1012 dyn/cm2 and are based on a density of 5.3169 g/cm3 taken as exact with respect to estimates of errors. Hydrostatic pressure derivatives for c11, c12, and c44, are, respectively, 4.63±0.03, 4.42±0.05, and 1.10±0.02. From the isothermal bulk modulus (BT) of 746.6 kbar and its pressure derivative (∂BT/∂P) of 4.67 calculated using the above data, the static compression of GaAs has been computed to a pressure of 250 kbar.