On the Soul of Community Development

This 1998 Community Development Society (CDS) presidential address argues that soulpermeates community development but is often hidden and unspoken in the profession. Threemajor questions are explored: 1) what is soul; 2) why does soul need to be discussed within aresearch-based community development profession; and 3) how is soul integrated into communitydevelopment? The author draws upon a wide range of theoretical and empirical literature andcommunity development experiences to investigate soulful practices within the field. Thesepractices include wrestling with questions to engage community; creating a hospitable climate forpeople to tell their stories; living with the paradox of working within and against the dominantculture; building quality relationships; being still within the noise and activity of community; andgiving and receiving a blessing. The author asks community development scholars andpractitioners, "Isn't it time we talked openly about soul in community development?"