Persistence of Heterologous Bone Marrow in Mice as Function of X-Ray Dose

Summary Bone marrow from species closely and distantly related to the mouse was injected after various X-ray doses to the total body. Rat, hamster, guinea pig, and rabbit bone marrow persisted in normal, nonirradiated mice for not more than 1 day. The minimum X-ray dose that would permit persistence of rat, hamster, guinea pig, and rabbit bone marrow in mice for more than 3 days was 400, 600, 1150, and 1500 r. respectively. The minimum X-ray dose that permitted (a) temporary transplantation of rat and hamster bone marrow in mice was 500 and 600 r, respectively, and (b) prolonged transplantation of rat and hamster bone marrow in mice was 800 and 950 r. respectively. The significance of these findings is discussed.