Yb-doped InP grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition

Rare-earth ion Yb is doped into InP at concentrations ranging from 1×1015 to 3×1018 cm−3 by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) using Yb(C5H5)3. Uniform depth profiles revealed by secondary ion mass spectroscopy indicate that controlled rare-earth doping can be achieved by MOCVD. The grown layers show distinct photoluminescence (PL) spectra at 1.2 eV originating from intra-4f-shell transitions in Yb as well as near-band-edge emissions at 1.4 eV. In contrast to Yb-ion-implanted InP [H. Ennen, J. Schneider, G. Pomrenke, and A. Axman, Appl. Phys. Lett. 43, 943(1983)], PL spectra of MOCVD-grown layers below 30 K suggest the absence of Yb ions associated with other impurities or defects. This shows that MOCVD-grown Yb-doped InP is of higher quality than the Yb-ion-implanted InP.