Current-algebra techniques are used to calculate a(+), the even-crossing πN S-wave scattering length. The off-mass-shell extrapolation includes sizable terms (0.1mπ1) of order q2 and of all orders in ν. These contributions are found by using a pole model for axial-vector-current-nucleon scattering and on-mass-shell dispersion relations. The experimental result, aexper(+)=(0.001±0.004)mπ1, is matched if the σ term is vanishing or very small: σ=(0.06±0.14)mπ. Alternatively, if we take σ=0, then the calculation predicts a(+)=(0.011±0.022)mπ1, which agrees with experiment. In the case of a(), the off-shell extrapolation is identical to that used in the derivation of the Adler-Weisberger sum rule. The predicted value of a() also agrees with experiment.