Cholesterol-4-C14 and Bile Acids in the Guinea Pig.

In adult guinea pigs with biliary tract fistulae and stable enterohepatic bile acid pool, cholesterol-4-C14 was converted into 3 labeled bile acids (3[alpha],7[alpha],12[alpha]-trihydroxycholanic, 3[alpha],7[alpha]-dihydroxycholanic and 3a-hydroxy, 7-ketocholanic acid). This conversion occurred independently of enteric passage, 3[alpha],7[alpha],12[alpha]-trihydroxycholanic (cholic) acid appearing in relatively low but gradually increasing concentration during the first 9 hours of free flow and continuous cycling. After 1 or more days of continuous enterohepatic cycling, 3[alpha],7[alpha],12[alpha]-trihydroxycholanic acid was the predominant labeled bile acid, maintaining a relatively high level until the termination of the experiment 18 days after the injection of cholesterol-4-C14.

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