Incomplete wetting ofHe4films on Ag and Au(111) surfaces

The wetting behavior of He4 adsorbed on planar Ag and Au(111) surfaces has been studied by means of a quartz, high-frequency microbalance. Incomplete wetting was observed over the entire experimental temperature (T) range from below 1.4 K to 1 mK below the critical point. The limiting film thickness d0 at coexistence with bulk liquid increases from about 10 layers at the λ point to more than 50 layers at the highest temperature. Over a considerable interval the T dependence of d0 is consistent with the power law d0∝(Tw-T)1 proposed by Dietrich and Schick for critical wetting. Below the λ point the frequency isotherms develop pronounced dips at pressures well below saturated vapor pressures P0. The dips are associated with superfluid onset, and the clear separation between the dips and the abrupt increases in frequency at P0 show that superfluid onset and bulk fluid condensation are independent phenomena.