The purpose of this study was to examine levels and patterns of intellectual functioning in 31 LD college females, 17-25. The goal was to provide descriptive data to assist colleges in identifying potentially successful LD college students and in providing needed support services. Mean Verbal and Performance IQ was within the average range and surprisingly even. The mean V-P IQ discrepancy was 10.60; seven subjects had a discrepancy of $15. The three highest mean scaled scores were on the Digit Symbol, Similarities, and Comprehension subtests, while the three lowest were on the Digit Span, Information, and Arithmetic. Scatter on all subtests ranged from five to 13 (M = 6.00). Scatter on the Verbal Scale subtests was greater than on the Performance Scale subtest (M = 6.03 and 5.61, respectively.) The hierarchy of category scores was Verbal Conceptualization < Spatial < Sequential < ACID < Acquired Knowledge. The clinical and educational implications of these findings are discussed, including possible sex-related and self-selection factors specific to this sample.

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