Absolute ionisation cross sections for electrons incident on O+, Ne+, Xe+and Ari+(i=1,...,5) ions

Absolute ionisation cross sections for electrons incident on O+, Ne+, Xe+ and Ar1+,..., Ar5+ ions have been measured at electron energies Ee between the ionisation threshold Ei and 830 eV. The measurements have been performed with crossed electron and ion beams. The comparison of the data for O+ and Ne+ with results of Aitken and Harrison (see ibid., vol.4, p.1176, 1971) and Dolder et al. (see Rep. Prog. Phys., vol.39, p.693, 1976), respectively, shows agreement within the combined experimental errors. The measured cross sections for ionisation of Ari+ ions can be reproduced within +or-20% of the empirical formula sigma i,i+1=1.4*10-13((ln(Ee/Ei))/(EeEi))(eV)2 cm2 for the charge states i=1 up to i=5.