Transition moments for the B 3Σ−uX 3Σ−g and 3ΠuX 3Σ−g transitions in O2

Multiconfiguration self‐consistent field wavefunctions are used to calculate the transition moments for the two lowest dipole allowed transitions in O2. The transition matrix element for the BX transition calculated at Re of the ground state corresponds to an oscillator strength of 0.18, in good agreement with the experimental integrated oscillator strength 0.16 of the Schumann–Runge continuum. The BX transition moment is calculated as a function of internuclear separation. The transition matrix element to the repulsive valence 3Πu state calculated at Re of the ground state corresponds to an oscillator strength of 0.003. Although the weak 3Πu absorption continuum is masked by the strong Schumann–Runge continuum below 1750 Å, this 3Πu absorption may contribute to the background continuum in the Schumann–Runge band region at low temperature.