Applications of Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy to Investigations of Cotton and Modified Cottons

The potassium bromide disc technique is being used for rapid, simple, and reproducible measurement of the infrared spectra, of modified cotton fibers, yarns, and fabrics. Ap plications of the procedure have demonstrated that chemical modification can be readily detected and identified and that the extent of treatment can be quantitatively estimated. Experiments have been designed to select bands most useful in investigations of cotton modified by esterification. etherification, or replacement reactions. The examples cited illustrate the potential usefulness of infrared absorption spectra to studies in this field. A list has been prepared of 50 infrared absorption bands (and correlations with vibrating groups which give rise to them) which summarize the spectral characteristics which have been found most useful in investigations of cottons modified by esterification, etherifica tion, and replacement reactions.