Giant resonances in the electron-impact ionization cross section of the 4d subshell in heavy atoms and ions are studied as a function of the nuclear charge, the ionicity of the atom, and the presence of localized excited-state orbitals. The results of distorted-wave Born-exchange-approximation calculations are presented for the singly charged ions Ag+Ce+ and for the first four ions of the barium isonuclear sequence and the iodine isoelectronic sequence. Giant resonances were found to occur only for neutral atoms and singly charged ions with Z≳53. The cross sections for ionization of several ions were found to be very sensitive to the scattering exchange approximation. The effect of valence shell excitations into localized 4f states in Sb+, Ba2+, and La+ is studied. Such controlled changes in target ion charge density can have significant effects on the formation and structure of giant resonances in electron scattering from heavy ions.