Four New Species of Macropodinium (Ciliophora: Litostomatea) from Australian Wallabies and Pademelons

Samples of Macropodinium spp. were collected from 3 new macropodid species: from 21 of 28 (75%) black‐striped wallabies (Macropus dorsalis); 10 of 11 (91%) swamp wallabies (Wallabia bicolor); and 22 of 43 (51%) Tasmanian pademelons (Thylogale billardierii). The examination of ciliate morphology by silver impregnation and scanning electron microscopy led to the redescription of the genus Macropodinium and the description of 4 new species: Ma. tricresta sp. nov. and Ma. spinosus sp. nov. from M. dorsalis; Ma. maira sp. nov. from T. billardierii; and M. bicolor sp. nov. from W. bicolor, each species was strictly host specific. Cellular orientation was reinterpreted on the basis of vestibular morphology and it is concluded that Macropodinium spp. are laterally rather than dorso‐ventrally compressed. The striated groove is thus dorso‐ventral rather than lateral. Oral ciliation consisted of up to three bands: an adoral band composed of oblique kineties; a vestibular band of longitudinal kineties; and a preoral band of longitudinal kineties. Somatic ciliation occurred in two longitudinal bands: a dense band composed of several parallel kineties on the left side of the dorso‐ventral groove; and a sparse band composed of a single kinety on the right internal side of the dorso‐ventral groove. Few structures were homologous to those of other litostome ciliates, and thus the relationship of Macropodinium to other litostomes cannot yet be clearly defined.

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