Enzymatic replication of viral and complementary strands of duplex DNA of phage phiX174 proceeds by seprate mechanisms.

Multiplication of the duplex, circular, phage phiX174DNA (replicative form, RF) in stage II of the replicative life cycle has been observed with a crude enzyme preparation [Eisenberg et al. (1976) Proc, Natl. Acad, Sci. USA 73, 1594-1597]. This stage has now been partially reconstituted with purified proteins and subdivided into two stages: II(+) and II(-). In stage II(+), viral (+) strand synthesis is carried out by four proteins: the phage-induced, cistron A-dependent protein, rep-dependent protein, DNA unwinding protein, and DNA polymerase III holenzyme. In stage II(-), complementary (-) strand synthesis utilizes the product of stage II(+) as template and the multiprotein system previously identified in the stage I synthesis of a complementary strand on the viral DNA template to produce RF. The multiprotein system includes DNA unwinding protein, proteins i and n, dnaB protein, dnaC protein, dnaG protein, and DNA polymerase III holoenzyme. A discussion of these two separate mechanism for synthesis of (+) and (-) strands suggests that they may account for essentially all the replicative stages in the life cycle of phiX174.