Study of Deformed Odd-ANuclei by the (d, p) Reaction

Yb176 (97.5%) and Hf178 (95.5%) targets have been bombarded with 12-MeV deuterons. The protons emerging from the (d, p) reaction were analyzed with ≈ 15-keV energy resolution at many angles utilizing a single gap, broad range magnetic spectrograph. Up to 3 MeV, 55 states have been observed in Yb177 and 60 in Hf179. Most of these states were previously unknown. The lowest energy levels in both Yb177 and Hf179 can definitely be identified with the intrinsic Nilsson orbitals 92+ (624), 72 (514), and ½-(510) and their associated rotational bands. The absolute cross sections and the angular distributions of the protons were measured for the reaction Yb176(d, p)Yb177. The experimental results agree very well with the predictions of the Satchler and Tobocman stripping theory for deformed nuclei. It is, therefore, established that this theory can furnish a valuable criterion for assigning spins and Nilsson orbitals in deformed nuclei. The discrepancy between experimental and calculated values of the decoupling parameter, a, for the ½- (510) band can be resolved if one replaces, in the expansion of the wave function, the theoretical Nilsson coefficients by experimentally determined coefficients. This seems to indicate that (d, p) reactions may be a useful aid in determining detailed properties of the wave functions for deformed nuclei. A comparison of the lowest states of the 107 neutron isotones Yb177, Hf179, W181, and Os183 is presented.