Metabolism of Bovine Semen. VI. Effect of Fructose and Arabinose on the Uptake and Metabolic Utilization of Glycerol-1-C14 by Bovine Spermatozoa

The addition of 1.25% fructose to a saline -1% glycerol diluent resulted in less glycerol 1C14 utilization by twice-washed bull spermatozoa than when fructose was omitted. Arabinose reduced glycerol utilization slightly. Significant quantities of fructose and arabinose disappeared during incubation of spermatozoa under nitrogen for 3 hours at 37[degree] C. No lactic acid was produced from arabinose, whereas fructose utilization resulted in the production of large amounts of lactate. Glycerol reduced anaerobic glycolysis of bull spermatozoa. Less sugar was utilized when 1% glycerol was added to saline, saline-fructose, and saline-arabinose diluents than when glycerol was omitted. Glycerol addition resulted in greater lactic acid production in saline and saline-arabinose diluents. However, in saline-fructose diluent less lactate accumulated when glycerol was added.