Tunneling α2F(ω) and heat-capacity measurements in high-Tc Nb3Ge

Improved film synthesis has allowed us to prepare Nb3GeSiOxPb tunnel junctions on samples with high Tc (up to 21.2 K) and large energy gap (ΔNb3Ge up to 3.85 meV). These junctions have satisfactory features for taking derivative measurements. The data were reduced by the modified McMillan-Rowell proximity gap inversion analysis developed by Arnold and Wolf to generate α2F(ω) and related microscopic parameters. The trend previously seen of a movement of the lowest phonon branch to lower energies as the Tc and gap increase is continued, resulting in the lowest-energy phonon mode being well defined and enhanced in strength. Theoretical functional derivatives for Tc (by Bergmann and Rainer) and the energy gap (by Mitrovic et al.) qualitatively explain the rise in Tc, energy gap, and 2ΔkBTc. Heat-capacity measurements have been performed on various samples to give bulk Nb3Ge properties, including one sample which was analyzed by tunneling α2F(ω) and heat capacity. γ=34±1.5 mJ/mole K2 and the bare density of states, N(0)=1.5±0.1 states/eV atom, suggests that a high density of states is inadequate to explain the high Tc in Nb3Ge. Values for 2ΔkBTc=4.2±0.1 and ΔCγTc1.9 indicate a strong-coupled superconductor, in agreement with tunneling results on this sample.