Competition between itinerant magnetism in Ti(Fe1-xCox) and Ti(Fe1-xCox) hydrides

Magnetic properties as well as hyperfine interactions in Ti(Fe, -xCo,) and some of its hydrides have been studied. With the concept of antistructure (AS) atoms proposed recently by Brommer et al. the two critical concentrations at x = 0.25 and x = 0.65, the correlation between the iron hyperfine field and the bulk magnetisation and concentration dependence of the magnetisation can be explained consistently. A hyperfine pattern with a field of 23.5 T (corresponding to the proposed value of 1.5 pR) presents direct experimental evidence for the presence of iron AS atoms. These, together with an increasing N (E F ) as the cobalt concentration grows. are supposed to influence the onset of long-range magnetic order. Furthermore i t is suggested that, upon hydrogen absorption, additional AS atoms are created, and it is these, rather than the surface segregations which are responsible for the change in the bulk magnetic properties of the 2 phase Ti(Fe,Co) hydrides.