Elastic and inelastic scattering of protons fromMg24with coupled channels analysis for the energy range 17-185 MeV

Elastic and inelastic differential cross sections of protons scattered from Mg24 were measured for incident proton energies of 20.0, 25.0, 30.4, 34.9, 39.9, and 44.9 MeV. Angular distributions from 10° to 170° in the laboratory were obtained for seven states of Mg24, namely: 0+ (0.00 MeV), 2+ (1.37 MeV), the sum of 4+ (4.12 MeV) and 2+ (4.24 MeV), 3+ (5.24 MeV), 4+ (6.01 MeV), and 0+ (6.43 MeV). These data, along with data from the literature in the energy range 17-185 MeV, were analyzed using optical model and coupled channels calculations. Using a rotational model, with triaxial deformation limited to terms in Y2,2 and Y2,2, reasonable agreement with the data was obtained for all states except for the 3+ (5.24 MeV) and 4+ (6.01 MeV) states. The inclusion of terms of Y4,2 and Y4,2 in the model improved the agreement with these two states considerably; but the 3+ (5.24 MeV) experimental data are still not accurately reproduced.