Inelastic Proton Scattering at 40 MeV

Inelastic proton scattering has been studied using 40-MeV protons as the projectile particle. Energy spectra of protons scattered from Li7, C12, Al27, Ca40, Fe54, Fe56, Ni58, Ni60, Cu63, Pb206, Pb207, and Pb208 have been taken. Angular distributions have been taken on the strongly excited states of C12, Mg24, Fe54, Fe56, Ni58, Ni60, and Pb208. The Blair phase rule is found to apply moderately well when a pronounced diffraction structure exists in the angular distributions. It is found that the McCarthy-Kromminga rule for the determination of parities of nuclear states from the small angle behavior of the angular distributions has limited validity. The B(EL)'s obtained from proton inelastic scattering measurements, using a distorted-wave Born approximation analysis, agree fairly well with the values obtained by electromagnetic methods.