Calorimetric study of the smectic-A—smectic-Cphase transition in liquid crystals

High-resolution ac calorimetric measurements have been made on azoxy4,4diundecylαmethylcinnamate (AMC-11), butyloxybenzylidene heptylaniline (4O.7), heptyloxybenzylidene hexylaniline (7O.6), and heptyloxybenzylidene butylaniline (7O.4). The heat capacity CP exhibits a sharp, asymmetric peak near the second-order smectic-A—smectic-C transition. The CP values increase in the smectic-C phase as the transition temperature Tc is approached and then decrease abruptly at Tc. These data are well described by a mean-field Landau model and are not consistent with the heliumlike critical behavior expected from the de Gennes model. It is also shown that it is very difficult to distinguish between meanfield and XY critical behavior on the basis of data obtained only in the smectic-C phase.