Very Low Birthweight and Subsequent Neurological Defect (with special reference to spastic diplegia)

Of a total of 170 children who weighed 1500g or less at birth and who were born in or admitted shortly after birth to Hammersmith Hospital, London, between the years 1961-70 inclusive, 165 have been followed to ascertain the incidence of neurological handicap, with particular reference to spastic diplegia. This condition occurred in six children (3-6 per cent), all of whom were born during the 1961-64 period, an incidence in those years of 10-3 per cent, compared with 0-0 per cent in the period 1965-70 (times 2 equal to 8-72, p equal to 0-0032). These findings are considered in the context of perinatal illness and care. The one statistically significant difference found between the children with and without spastic diplegia in the earlier period was a somewhat lower mean minimum rectal temperature on the first day of life only.