On the 8·06 and 8·70 MeV states in ,4 N

WE have recently reported measurements on the γ-rays emitted by the 1-, T=l state at 8–06 Mev in 14N (Broude et al. 1957). This level has a rather large isotopic spin impurity (∼7%) and a possible explanation of this has been given by Wilkinson and Clegg (1956) in terms of mutual contamination by the four states formed from a single 2s particle with the ground state of 13C as a unique parent. In a previous paper we suggested a possible identification of these four states on the basis of the weak decay modes of the 8.06 Mev state. The 8.70 Mev state in 14N is, like the 8.06 Mev state, a very broad level formed by s-wave capture of protons by 13C. It is a 0×, T = 1 state and possibly a member of this quartet of states. The present investigation had two purposes. Firstly to investigate the γ-ray decay scheme of the 8.70 Mev level and secondly to investigate the isotropy of the ground state transition from the 8.06 Mev state to see if the ingoing particle is purely s-wave. If there is a substantial d-wave component present the number of similar states likely to mix in is increased and the whole situation is much more complex.