Characterization of thermally nitrided silicon dioxide

Characterization of low pressure (LP) thermal oxide films grown on Si(100) substrate and thermally nitrided LP oxide films were conducted by glancing angle backscattering with channeling. Film stoichiometry and the SiO2/Si interface properties were investigated by MeV He+ ion beams. LP oxide films exhibited stoichiometric SiO2 composition with one to two monolayers of nonregistered Si atoms at the interface. After thermal nitridation of these LP oxide films at 925 and 950 °C for 2 h, thin (oxy)-nitride layers on the oxide surface were observed. Also an additional one to two monolayers of nonregistered Si atoms were observed at the interface after the thermal nitridation. There were no observable changes in bulk stoichiometry of the LP oxide films after the thermal nitridation at 925 and 950 °C for 2 h.