E2andE4Transition Moments and Equilibrium Deformations in the Actinide Nuclei

Precision Coulomb-excitation experiments using He4 ions have been performed in the actinide region (230A248) by the observation of elastic and inelastically scattered projectiles using a split-pole magnetic spectrometer equipped with a position-sensitive proportional detector. 12 even-A targets from Th230 to Cm248 have been investigated and the reduced quadrupole matrix element, 2M(E2)0, and the reduced hexadecapole matrix element, 4M(E4)0, have been determined from the experimental excitation probabilities of the 0+, 2+, and 4+ states in the ground-state rotational bands. The values of B(E4,04) range from 167 single-particle units for U234 to essentially zero single-particle units for Cm244,246,248. Model-dependent deformation parameters, β20 and β40, are extracted from the measured E2 and E4 transition moments for distributions of nuclear charge represented by deformed Fermi distributions and by a deformed homogeneous distribution.