Single-pion production processes in the energy range 500 to 700 MeV are discussed. It is assumed that production occurs in the partial waves S1, P1, P3, and D3 for I=12 and 32 via isobar formation in a generalized sense. Isobars treated are the N*(1236) and the low-energy tails of the σ (assumed to be a broad resonance centered at 700 MeV) and the ρ. Emphasis is laid on maintaining consistency with the results of elastic phase-shift analyses. It is suggested that the major contributor to the charge channel π0πp at and above 550 MeV is P11 decaying via ρN. It is noted that a second P11 resonance occurring in the range 600 to 800 MeV would explain several phenomena. It is indicated that D13 very probably decays to σN as well as πN*. A plea is entered for the presentation of future data in the form of a full production-angular-distribution analysis over the Dalitz plot.